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A New Bullet Hell Game Where You Can't Shoot Your Way Out Of Trouble

Super Astrovade is a Melee Bullet Hell game -- with no guns!

Here's what you get to do:

  • To attack, you use your thrusters
  • To avoid instant death, make sure your shields are charged
  • To survive, you have to fight tooth-and-nail for every second of freedom by dodging waves of hell

Ready? If you want to play the game before it comes out, click the Steam icon below. On my Steam Page, you'll see a "Request Access". Click that, and you're in!

Your feedback will help me out a lot. But more importantly, see if you can beat the dev's top score!

Play the game before it comes out. Beat my high score. Join the free Open Beta. Click the Steam icon right now...

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A melee bullet hell game that will test your nerves and patience

It's about momentum and having grace under pressure

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Dodge, Weave, Evade a Maze of Enemies -- With No Guns!

Hey, I'm Matt, developer of Super Astrovade. I'm trying to change how Bullet Hell is done. I'm not talking about adding upgrades, a story, or fudging in RPG elements and leveling up. I'm talking about throwing everything at you to test your nerves, perception and dodge skills.

Let me show you exactly what you get to do in the game...

  • The only way to get out of trouble is to dodge like hell, and not shoot your way out
  • The better you build your dodge skills, the longer you survive and rack up your score
  • But don't fret -- you have a shield to project you
  • Collect Stardust to keep your shield charged -- not easy to do when you're trying to dodge a wave of hell
  • So as long as you have 1 Stardust, you'll avoid instant death when you get hit
  • If you do die, then you're quickly put back into action within seconds
  • Collect 10 Stardust so you can unleash a Hyper bomb that kills all enemies around you
  • There's no gun, but you can melee attack your enemies with your thrusters!
  • Why remove guns? Because melee attack adds more depth to the dodging mechanic
  • Plus, when you melee attack enemies with your thruster, you activate a Score Multiplier
  • The more aggressive you are with your attack, the higher your Score Multiplier goes up
  • And if you kill fast enough, you can DOUBLE your Score Multiplier
  • And you gotta decide: kill fast and rack up your score OR go after Stardust to protect yourself… OR try to do it all!
  • Chase a high score and compare you PB with your friends on the Steam Leaderboards
  • Simple controls means that you can get right into the action and get good fast
  • But mastering the game? Well, that isn't easily done

Wanna play the game right now before release? See if you can beat my top score? Well, I have a free Open Beta going on from April 06 to April xx.

Click the Steam icon below. When you get to my Steam Store page, you'll see a “Request Access” button. Cick that, and I'll send you a copy of Super Astrovade.

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But hurry, the Open Beta closes soon.

Anyway, here's more details about Super Astrovade...

No Guns Means You Have To Thread the Needle, Dodge, And Evade a Maze of Enemies

I took away your gun. Yeah. Sorry, but not sorry :)

I did this because you know that feeling of being in the middle of a tight maze of enemies... and the game is pressuring you to act... and you get that "sick" dodge... and for a few seconds, you survived because of your dodge skills and not your shooting skills?!

That's what I want you to experience too: that satisfying feeling of dodging waves of hell.

So, what's the point of the game? What do you get to do exactly? Let me show you the top 7 features...

You're outnumbered. No guns. Just your thruster!

Collect Stardust to charge your shield to help you survive

Feature 1: Try To Survive Longer and Avoid Instant Death By Charging Your Shield

Ok, you're dodging, weaving, evading enemies like you're Neo. But what for? Because you want to see how long you can survive. And you do that by absorbing Stardust.

Stardust is like the rings in Sonic. As long as you have a ring, and you get hit, you don't die. Same thing with Super Astrovade. As long as you have 1 Stardust, your shield will be charged.

This means if you hit an enemy, and your shield is charged, you avoided instant death… and you bought yourself a few seconds of survival. But if you got no Stardust, and your shields are down, well then sorry my friend… back to the beginning for you!

But starting over is instant. You're thrown into the fray within seconds so you can see if you can do better next time.

Feature 2: Hyper System That Uses a Supernova Shockwave To Wipe Out Enemies Around You

You know how I said you can absorb Stardust to charge your shield? Well, if you collect 10 Stardust, you activate a Hyper System I call a Supernova Shockwave.

When you unleash the Shockwave, all the enemies around you get destroyed.

This gives you a small window of relief. But only for a moment! Because the walls of hell will soon close in on you again, and a new wave of enemies will spawn.

Collect 10 Stardust, and you can unleash a Supernova Shockwave!

Melee attack enemies with your thruster

Feature 3: Bullet Hell… But You Got No Gun… Just Your Thrusters

I told you that you have no gun. But you do have a melee weapon: your thrusters. I did this because I wanted to add another layer of tactical dodging.

You'll like this because when you get too close to an enemy, and you feel like you're about to get hit, you can quickly pull off the “tail-whip” action, and melee attack the enemy with your thruster.

It just adds another layer of depth to dodging. But the best part is, you can rack up your points this way.

Let me show you the scoring system, next...

Feature 4: A Good Scoring System That Uses a Kill Chain Wheel and Score Multipliers

If you attack an enemy with your thruster, you'll see a Kill Chain Wheel. The Kill Chain Wheel shows your Score Multiplier.

So what this means is, the more you attack and kill, the higher your Score Multiplier goes up… which means the more points you'll rack up.

But you have some tough decisions. You can't be idle. To keep your Kill Chain Wheel active, you have to at least hit enemies within 3 seconds.

If you slack, and don't attack, your Kill Chain Wheel disappears... and so does your Score Multiplier.

Push yourself and chase that high score

Kill fast, and get a score bonus

Feature 5: Kill Combo Adds a Bonus To Your Score Multiplier

Another layer of depth to the scoring system, I added, is the Kill Combo. If you kill two enemies within a second between them, your Score Multiplier gets a bonus.

This is great because it gives you a HUGE boost to your Score Multiplier, and gives you another way to rack up your points like crazy.

Again, do you play super fast and loose? Or do you play it safe and try to collect Stardust to build your shields up and save up to unleash the Hyper bomb?

Or do you try to do it all?

Feature 6: Compare Your High Score With Your Friends On Steam Leaderboards

The only reward for getting better is getting a new high score. But even better than that is, beating your friend's high score!

So I made sure to include Steam Leaderboards. This way you can see how much better you are against your friends and other people.

Also, see if you can beat my score?!

Compete against your friends and beat their PB

Controls are simple, but game is hard!

Feature 7: Simple Controls So That You Can Build Your Mechanical Skills Fast

I wanted to add depth to the scoring system and the dodging system... but NOT to the controls.

Keeping the controls simple means that you can jump right into the action, and within one second you know how to play the game.

But, even though I want you to get better at the game as fast as possible, mastering the game, however, will take more time!

Play For FREE Before The Game Comes Out!

I want you to play Super Astrovade and have a lot of fun. That's my main goal. But I also want to know your opinion on the game. Where did I mess up? Where can I do better? What did you love?

So, join the free Open Beta. You'll have fun. Chase that score. See if you can beat my score. And send me any feedback. Your thoughts will help me out a lot.

But the Open Beta expires soon. So don't miss out, and click the Steam icon below. Then in my Steam Store Page, click the "Request Access" button, and you're in!

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Thanks for checking out my game.

Matt Kelley
Super Astrovade Game Developer

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